One of the amazing things about live classical music is the opportunity to be transported to another time and place.
Like childhood.
Like listening to the LP or cassette of Peter & The Wolf with the stirring narration of Peter Ustinov or Leonard Bernstein while you danced around the living room.
And new generations of children still get introduced to the instruments, sounds, and the magic of music through this timeless work.
Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra is proud to produce its version of Peter & The Wolf complete with puppets from Tears of Joy as part of their annual Holiday Gift to the community. In case you missed the performance, take a look at the awe and wonder on these faces as they 'pet' the Wolf, bang and blow on instruments in the 'petting zoo', and appreciate original artwork created by students at Concord, Markham, and Woodlawn Schools.
The Portland Strings, under the direction of Camilla Wilson Scott, presented a special pre-concert Christmas Medley. Special musical guests the Encore Singers from the Portland Symphonic Girlchoir joined the orchestra for second half holiday music including a carol singalong.
In this crazy busy season, take some time to let yourself be transported.